Sunday, December 12, 2010

Abuyog Hotel

Abuyog Hotel

          Abuyog is getting to be known in other places. Different establishments are being built in order to developed Abuyog from being municipality to city.
         The newest establishment here is the Abuyog Hotel. It will promote foreigners and other people to visit Abuyog, Leyte and experience the first class hotel in town.


  1. Just stay inside the hotel.
    Abuyog itself with it's dirty, filthy beach is not what you wanna see.
    Or maybe you want to see it so that you can tell your friends about it.
    Make pictures as evidence.
    If you stay a while at the boat terminal you can even see people peeing in the water.

  2. A hotel itself does not attract tourist. The surroundings are also important but there is nothing to show for.
    The staff of the tourist office should get up from their chairs and look arround.
    Nobody like to have a picnic in the middle of a garbage dump.
    Do they not see it??
    Have they ever seen a clean place??
    There is a lot of work to do. Lets start!!

  3. OMG!
    I'm talking my first vacation this summer and I'm heading to that place.

  4. Please can u add some more pix of your Hotel so we can see the rooms, lounge and the dining area. Why there is no rate of how much will it cost to stay in your place? Can you please post that in your website.Thank you.

  5. Sad to say the hotel don't justify the hotel rate. overpricing, no cabinet for cloths, small & unclean bathroom and toilet,

    I dont understand why they need to place a huge cabinet in side the room for TV and refrigerator were you can actually stick to the wall the TV and put at the side the Refrigerator.

    The hotel was just open probably a year or so but once your in the room it looks like its been up for 10years, very poor maintenance, food in the hotel is very expensive.

    Seriously, it was not worthy at all.... just felt that we've d wasted our Money for the room. I'd rather spent the money to stay in a nice hotel in Batam Indonesia.

  6. Ooohhhh no were so lucky we haven't book yet just about to book to this hotel,planning to visit my family in Abuyog.

  7. Ooohhhh no were so lucky we haven't book yet just about to book to this hotel,planning to visit my family in Abuyog.

  8. How much per night


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